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Startup Monday: Omakase Charity

Startup Monday is ABCey’s weekly post that features some of the best and brightest companies in the Bay Area. They are often companies that we have our eye on or have worked with in the past & would like to share with friends and followers of ABCey Events.

Tech doesn’t care. That has been the stigma around the tech industry in recent years coupled with accusations of gentrification and sky high rent. To change that stigma is where Omakase Charity begins its quest.

Omakase Charity is focused on bringing together fantastic non-profits and major tech giants to create visible change. Every month Omakase researches and selects a high impact, nonprofit organization and directs tech company donations towards them.  At the end of the month, you can see a breakdown of exactly where your money went, a translucent process for both the organization being aided and the benefactors. This is all a part of what is being called the ‘Tech Cares Movement” to build better relationships between the tech industry and the rest of the San Francisco Bay Area. 

We love the fact that Omakase is helping these small, high impact nonprofits and love the concept that founder Theresa Preston-Werner has brought to center stage in the tech world! What’s even better? If you find a nonprofit you particularly have warmed up to, you can continue your donations in addition to the monthly nonprofit pick!

What do you think of Omakase and the Tech Cares Movement? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook and Twitter! Don’t forget to sign up here!