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Tech Tuesday: Ubokia

Tech Tuesday highlights the best and brightest ideas in the tech world. ABCey would like to recognize these up and coming companies for their innovative ideas and ability to think outside the box!

With this week’s Tech Tuesday pick, the world around you transforms into a giant store. ABCey presents Ubokia, an app available for iPhone, which puts consumers in control of what they want and how they get it. Think of it as a giant, searchable garage sale without all the hassle!

Ubokia is based on direct commercial interaction between Wanters and Sellers. If you’re a Wanter, you post a “want” on Ubokia describing exactly what you’re looking for. The app encourages you to be specific because they want the consumer to get exactly what they want, no strings attached. A “want” specifies the user’s ideal price, condition, quality, quantity, and features. Once you’re done, one tap of your phone screen sends your request out into a world of ready Sellers.

 When a Seller contacts you with the product you were looking for, you communicate with them directly on price and shipping. In the end, you buy exactly what you want instead of settling for whatever was available in your town’s stores. While other companies, such as Craigslist and eBay, have similar models, Ubokia uniquely begins the sales process with sellers approaching the consumer in attempts to satisfy his or her specific want. It’s a fantastic sales tactic that is sure to make consumers pleased with the overall buying process as well as their final purchase!

What do you think of Ubokia? Tell ABCey in a comment below or on Facebook and Twitter!