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#TechTuesday: Oculus Rift For Your Next Event

#TechTuesday highlights the best and brightest ideas in the tech world. ABCey would like to recognize these up and coming technologies for their innovative ideas and impact on the event world!

Are you watching an event or hosting a virtual business meeting? You might wonder, “Where’s the interaction? I feel as if I’m barely there!” Well, that may change soon as Oculus VR, whom produces Oculus Rift, is pushing to provide consumers affordable virtual reality. Oculus Rift is a headset that provides users the ability to be immersified into virtual reality, and will serve as a means to offer something new and immersive to live audiences. Why not feel as if you are actually there to obtain a better experience?

Oculus Rift

Despite Oculus Rift being advertised for the gaming community, it has been successfully able to extend to other areas, one being EVENTS! With the inclusion of videos and other social features, the potential is vast!

The sky’s the limit with Oculus Rift!

Many large events have often had trouble with increasing the venue size with the surplus of attendees.
Well, no longer! Oculus Rift allows visitor numbers to increase with no limit as visitors attend the event online. This boosts the attendance rate and can provide an unforgettable experience for everyone.

What should you know to prepare for such an awesome technology?

CieEvents proposes that the event management team should be aware that there may be some work involved in order to have stable and accessible virtual reality throughout the event. With both live and virtual attendance, host companies may go all in with their event budget, implementing more massive and engaging events.

How it works:

After purchasing Oculus Rift, set up the hardware by plugging in all of the required adapters and wires. Users may then install any software needed from the Oculus Website. After completing the installation, restart the computer. Any games or applications that is in the Oculus Store may be purchased on the website. The user is now able to set his/her headset to delve into virtual reality.

Oculus Store

Why we love it:

Oculus Rift grants exciting technology for the future. It would not only allow people to feel more of a connection to the event, but also provides an enhanced experience. This is not a typical event/meeting that the user would experience. It would feel more real enhancing your visual senses!

What are your thoughts on Oculus Rift? Let us know on Facebook and Twitter!